1.1 Set Theory
1.2 Functions
1.3 Sequence
1.4 Set Algebra
1.5 Countable sets
1.6 Relations
1.6.1 Partial Orderings
1.7 The Real Number Axioms
1.8 Integers
1.9 Integers, Rational Numbers as Subset of
1.10 Extended Real Number System
1.11 Sequence of Real Numbers
1.12 Limit Superior and Limit Inferior
1.13 Sequences
1.14 Infinite Series
1.15 Limits, Continuity and Uniform Continuity of Function
1.16 Differentiability of Function
1.17 Sequence and Series of Function
1.18 Riemann (Stieltjes) Integrals
1.19 Improper Riemann Integral
1.20 Types of Improper Integrals
1.21 Uniform Convergence
1.22 Discontinuities of Real Valued Function
1.23 Monotonic Functions
1.24 Functions of Bounded Variation
1.25 Absolutely Continuous Function
1.26 Elements of Metric Spaces
1.27 Lebesgue Measure
1.27.1 Measure
1.27.2 Lebesgue Outer Measure
1.27.3 Lebesgue Measurable Sets and Lebesgue Measure
1.27.4 Lebesgue Measurable Functions
1.27.5 Littlewood’s Three Principles
1.28 The Lebesgue Integration
1.28.1 The Riemann Integral
1.28.2 Step function
1.28.3 The Lebesgue Integral of a Bounded Function Over a Set of Finite Measure
1.28.4 The Integral of a Non-negative Function
1.28.5 The General Lebesgue Integral
1.28.6 Convergence in Measure
1.29 Real Valued Functions of Several Variables
1.30 Partial Derivatives
1.31 Implicit Functions and Inverse Functions
1.32 Extrema for Real Valued Functions
1.1 Set Theory
1.2 Functions
Function: A function from into set is a rule that assign to each , there is .
One-to-one correspondence: (Bijective) . If is one-to-one and onto.
1.3 Sequence
Finite sequence: A function whose domain is the first natural number. i.e., .
Infinite sequence: A function whose domain is set of natural number.
Countable set: Set is countable if it is the range of some sequence.
Finite countable set: Set is finite countable if it is a range of some finite sequence.
1.4 Set Algebra
Algebras of sets (Boolean Algebra): A collection of subsets of is an algebra of sets if
algebra (Borel sets): An algebra is algebra if every union of countable collection of sets in is again in .
Some Important Theorems
Given any collection of subsets of , there is a smallest algebra which contains .
If is an algebra of subsets and a sequence of sets in . Then there is a sequence os sets in such that for and .
1.5 Countable sets
Finite set: A set is called finite if it is either empty or the range of finite sequence.
Countable set A set is countable if it is either empty or the range of a sequence.
Some Important Theorems
Every subset of countable set is countable.
If is a countable set. Then the set of all finite sequences from is also countable.
The set of all rational numbers is countable.
The union of a countable collection of countable set is countable
1.6 Relations
1.6.1 Partial Orderings
Partial ordering: is partial ordering on set if it transitive and antisymmetric.
Hausdorff maximal principle: Let be a partially ordering set . Then there is a maximal linearly ordered subset of
1.7 The Real Number Axioms
Let be the set of real numbers
The order of axioms: For all real numbers
Exactly one relation holds .
If , then for every .
If and then, .
If and then .
Positive real numbers: .
Negative real numbers: . -
Intervals: open interval : . Closed Interval : . Half closed intervals:
Maximal element of : is a maximal element if it is an upper bound of .
Minimal element of : is a maximal element if it is an lower bound of .
Least upper bound of (): is a least upper bound of if
is an upper bound of ,
for each upper bound of .
Greatest lower bound of (): is a greatest lower bound of if
is a lower bound of ,
for each lower bound of .
Every non-empty set of real numbers which has an upper bound has least upper bound.
Every non-empty set of real numbers which has an lower bound has greatest lower bound.
Some Important Theorems
Let and be non-empty subset of with and for each and we have then either has a greatest (maximal) or has a least (minimal) element.
Let be a non-empty set of real numbers with , then .
Let be a non-empty set of real numbers with , then .
Additive property: Given non-empty subsets and of , let .
If and has supremum, then .
If and has infimum , then .
Comparison property: For non-empty subsets and of such that for every and .
1.8 Integers
Inductive set: A set of real number is inductive set if it satisfies principle of induction.i.e.,
Positive integer: A real number is a positive integer, if it belongs to every inductive set, .
Negative integer: A negative positive integer .
Integers: Positive integers, negative integers and zero .
Divisor and multiple: and are integers if for some an integer, then is a divisor of or is a multiple of denoted by .
Prime: If is an integer, then is prime number if and positive divisor of are 1 and itself
Composite number: If and is not a prime then is composite number.
Some Important Theorems:
Every integer is either prime or a product of primes.
Every pair of integers and has a common divisor of the form , where are integers and every common divisor of and divides .
If a prime divides then or . If a prime divides a product then divides atleast one of the factors
Unique factorization theorem: Every integer can be represented as a product of prime factors in only way, apart from the order of the factors.
1.9 Integers, Rational Numbers as Subset of
Archimedes axiom: Given any real number , there is an integer such that .
Every ordered field contains the integers, the natural numbers and the rational numbers.
Between any two real numbers is a rational number, i,e., if , there is a rational number .
The set of positive integers is unbounded above.
1.10 Extended Real Number System
The extended real number system is the set of real numbers , together with two symbols and which satisfied.
If , then
If then .
If then
then .
Important: is undefined, is also undefined and .
Boundedness and extended real number system:
The set is bounded above if .
The set is bounded below if .
1.11 Sequence of Real Numbers
Sequence: of real number is a function whose domain is the set of natural numbers.
Limit: A real number is a limit of the sequence if such that .
Cauchy sequence: Sequence is Cauchy sequence if such that and we have .
Convergent sequence: A sequence is called convergent sequence if it has a limit.
Divergent sequence: A sequence which is not a convergent sequence.
Cluster point: A real number is a cluster point of the sequence if for given , and given
Some Important Results:
A sequence of real number is convergent iff it is Cauchy sequence.
If the limit of the sequence exist and it is unique.
Every convergent sequence is bounded.
If a sequence converges to , then its subsequence also converges to
1.12 Limit Superior and Limit Inferior
Limit superior: Let is a sequence of real numbers. is called limit superior of , if
given and given such that
Some Important Results:
Sequence converges to iff
1.13 Sequences
Sequence: It is a function whose domain is the set of positive integers.
Let be the prime number,
Convergence of the sequence: A sequence converges to a real number iff for each , there is a positive integer , such that for all , we have
Neighbourhood: A set of real numbers is a neighbourhood of a real number iff contains an interval of positive length centred at . i.e., iff there is
Convergent and divergent sequence: A sequence is convergent iff there is a real number such that converges to . If is not convergent it is divergent sequence.
Cauchy sequence: A sequence is Cauchy sequence iff for each , there is a positive integer then
Limit of a sequence: If a sequence is convergent, the unique number to which it converges is the limit of the sequence.
Accumulation point: For a set of real numbers, a real number is an accumulation point of iff every neighbourhood of contains infinitely many points of
Subsequence: Let be a sequence and be any sequence of positive integers such that . The sequence is called a subsequence of
Monotone sequence: Sequence that is either increasing or decreasing.
Bounded above sequence: Sequence is bounded above, iff there exist a real number such that for all
Bounded below sequence: Sequence is bounded above, iff there exist a real number such that for all
Bounded sequence: Sequence is bounded if it is bounded both from above and below there exist a real number such that for all
Some Important Theorems:
A sequence converges to iff each neighbourhood of contains all but a finite number of terms of the sequence.
If converges to real number and , then
If converges to , then is bounded.
Every convergent sequence is a Cauchy sequence.
Every Cauchy sequence is bounded.
Every Cauchy sequence is convergent.
A sequence is Cauchy iff it is convergent.
If converges to and converges to , then
converges to
converges to
If converges to and for all , then there exist a real number such that for all
If converges to and converges to , with and for all , then converges to
If converges to and converges to , with for all , then
If converges to 0 and is bounded, then converges to 0.
A sequence converges iff each of its subsequence converges.
A monotone sequence is convergent iff it is bounded.
(Bolzano-Weierstrass theorem:) Every bounded infinite set of real numbers has atleast one accumulation point.
Let be a set of real numbers. Then is an accumulation point of , iff there is a sequence of numbers of , each distinct from such that converges to
Some Important Results:
Let and Let be tow sequences that converges to . If is a sequence such that for all then converges to
If and are Cauchy sequences, then is also a Cauchy sequence.
If and are two sequences. Also and are convergent, then is also convergent.
If converges to , then converges to
If is decreasing sequence (increasing) and bounded, then is convergent.
1.14 Infinite Series
Infinite series: An infinite series is a pair , where is a sequence of real numbers and for all is the therm of the series and is the partial sum of the series.
Converges absolutely: An infinite series converges absolutely iff converges.
Converges conditionally: An infinite series converges absolutely but diverges.
Cauchy’s product: Let and are two infinite series and for each define . The infinite series is called the Cauchy’s product of two series and .
Rearrangement of series: Let be an infinite series. If is one-ont function from onto , then the infinite series is called a rearrangement of .
Power series: Let be a sequence of real numbers. For each real number , a series is a power series.
Interval of convergence: If is a power series, then the set of points at which series converges is either
, a set of all real numbers (Interval of finite radius)
(Interval of zero radius)
An interval of positive length centred at zero which may contain all ,none or one of its end points. These intervals are called interval of convergence.
Radius of convergence: If has an interval of convergence which is different from and , then there is a unique real number such that . This number is called the radius of convergence of the power series.
Some Important Theorems:
An infinite series converges iff for each , there is such that and , then .
If converges, then converges to zero.
If is absolutely convergent, then is convergent.
Comparison Test: Suppose and are infinite series with for all , then
If converges and there is such that , then converges absolutely.
If diverges and there is such that , then diverges.
If and converges, then for real numbers converges and
If is a sequence of non-negative terms such that for all , then converges iff converges.
The series converges iff
Let be an infinite series of non-zero terms. Then
For real numbers and positive integer such that , then converges absolutely.
If there is such that , then diverges.
Ratio test: If is an infinite series of non-zero terms such that converges to . Then
If , the series converges absolutely.
If , the series diverges.
If , no conclusion concerning convergence can be made (Test Fail).
Root test: If is an infinite series. Then
For real numbers and such that for , then converges absolutely.
If for infinitely many , then diverges.
If and are two sequences of real numbers, then
Define and . Then if
Partial sums of are bounded.
converges to zero.
Then converges.
If is a sequence of real numbers such that
Sequence converges to zero.
Then converges.
If converges absolutely and converges with and . Then Cauchy product converges to
If converges to and converges to and Cauchy product is . If converges to then
If is absolute convergent series converging to and is any arrangement of . Then converges to
Let be a power series which converges for and diverges for , then
Power series converges absolutely for
Power series diverges for
If a power series with for all such that converges to Then
If , the series converges for all .
If is the radius of convergence.
A power series , with for all ,
Converges absolutely, if for any real number and such that .
Diverges for , if for real number and such that for all .
A power series ,
Converges for , if sequence is unbounded.
Converges for all , if sequence converges to zero.
Has radius of convergence , if is bounded and
An infinite series diverges if is unbounded.
If is bounded
Then infinite series converges absolutely, if
Then infinite series diverges, if
1.15 Limits, Continuity and Uniform Continuity of Function
Limits Let with an accumulation point of . Then has a limit at , defined by iff for every there exist such that and Let and for all
Some Important Theorems
Let with an accumulation point of , then exist
If for each sequence converges to , with and for all the sequence converges.
If for each sequence converges to , with for all the sequence Cauchy.
There is a neighbourhood of and a real number such that for all
If for each , there is a neighbourhood of such that and , we have
Let with an accumulation point of and have limits at , then
has a limits at .
has a limit at
If for all and then has limit at
If for all , then .
If is bounded in a neighbourhood of and , then .
If with an accumulation point of . If and are the limits of at , then .
Continuity and Uniform Continuity
Continuity: Let , if then is continuous at iff for each there exist such that if If is continuous at for each , then is continuous (on ).
Uniformly continuity: A function is uniformly continuous on iff for every , there is such that if with , then . If is uniformly continuous on , is uniformly continuous.
Closed set: A set is closed iff every accumulation point of belongs to .
Open set: A set is open iff for each there is a neighbourhood of such that .
Compact set: A set is compact iff for every family of open sets , there is a finite set such that .
Right continuous: If and , the function is right continuous at iff for each , there is such that
Left continuous: If and , the function is left continuous at iff for each , there is such that
Some Important Theorems
Let with and an accumulation point of . Then these are equivalent
The function is continuous at .
The function has a limit at and exist.
For every sequence converging to with for each , converges to .
If are continuous at . Then
is continuous at .
is continuous at .
is continuous at if .
If with , where is continuous at and is continuous at , then is continuous at
If , is continuous uniformly. Then if is an accumulation point of has a limit at .
A set is closed iff is open.
A set is compact iff is closed and bounded.
If is continuous with compact (i.e., closed and bounded). Then is uniformly continuous.
If is continuous with compact, then is compact.
If is continuous and non-one with compact. Then is continuous.
Intermediate-value Theorem: If is continuous with (or) , then there is such that .
If is continuous, then there is such that
If is continuous at and one-one, then is monotone.
The set is uncountable.
1.16 Differentiability of Function
Differentiability: Let , with is an accumulation point of and . For each , with define
The function is differentiable at (derivative at ) iff has a limit at . i.e., exist. The number is derivative of at . If is differentiable for each , then is differentiable on .
Maximum (minimum) of function: Let . A point is relative maximum (minimum) of iff there is a neighbourhood of such that if , then .
Some Important Theorems
an accumulation point of , then is differentiable at iff for every sequence for points of converges to , then the sequence converges.
is differentiable at . Then
The point and is an accumulation point of
The function is continuous at .
If are differentiable at , then
and is differentiable at .
is differentiable at , and
If , then (the domain is the set of all ) is differentiable at and
If and with . Then is differentiable at and is differentiable at . Also is differentiable at and .
If is an integer and , then is differentiable for all if and for all if and If , then for all
If and has a relative minimum or a relative maximum at . If is differentiable at , then .
Rolle’s Theorem: If is continuous on and is differentiable on . Then if , there is such that .
Mean Value Theorem: If is continuous on and differentiable on , then there is such that
If is continuous on and differentiable on . Then
If for all , then is one-one.
If for all , then is constant.
If for all , then and
If for all , then and
If and are continuous on and differentiable on and that for all . Then there is a real number such that for all
If is differentiable on and is a real number such that or . Then there is such that
1.17 Sequence and Series of Function
Pointwise convergence: If is a sequence of functions and that is a subset of such that for each integer . Then converges pointwise on if for each , the sequence converges. If converges pointwise on , is defined by for each .
Uniform convergence: A sequence of functions is said to converge uniformly of if there is a function such that for each , there is such that for each positive integer implies that , for each
Some Important Theorems
A sequence of functions converges uniformly on iff for each there is a real number such that for all positive integer and and such that for all
Weierstrass M-test: Suppose is a sequence of functions defined on and is a sequence of non-negative real numbers such that for and for every . Then converges uniformly on if converges.
Suppose converges pointwise to on and infinitely many members of the sequence are continuous at . If converges uniformly at then is continuous at
If is a sequence of functions converging uniformly to on and for each positive integer is bounded on , then is bounded on
Let be a sequence of functions each is Riemann-integrable on , converging uniformly to on . Define for each and each and each positive integer . Then is Riemann-integrable on , and converges uniformly on to function defined by for each
Suppose is a sequence of functions, each of which is differentiable on . Suppose further that for some converges and that converges uniformly to on . Then
converges uniformly on to a function .
is differentiable on and for all .
Let be a power series that converges for . Then converges uniformly on for each .
If is a bounded sequence of real numbers, then is a bounded sequence of real numbers and .
If converges to on with . Then
For each converges uniformly on .
is times differentiable on for each positive integer
For each and each positive integer converges uniformly on
Suppose and are two sequences of real numbers, and for all , . Then for each integer
1.18 Riemann (Stieltjes) Integrals
Refinement: If and are partition of with , then is a refinement of
Riemann Integral: If is a bounded function and is a partition of . For each define
Riemann-Stielties integral: Suppose is bounded and is an increasing function. For each partition define
is Riemann-Stieltjes integrable with respect to on if When , the Riemann-Stieltijes integral with respect to reduces to Riemann integral. -
Selection of points: Let be a partition of . Then the collection of points is called selection of points for if , holds for
Riemann sum associated with partition :
Some Important Theorem
Let be bounded and be increasing function. Then if and are any partitions of , we have
If , then and
Let be increasing. Then is Riemann integrable on iff for each , there is a partition such that .
If is monotone and is increasing and continuous, then is Riemann-Stieltjes integrable on .
If is continuous and increasing, then is Riemann-Stieltijes integrable on .
Fundamental Theorem of Integral Calculus: If is differentiable on and is Riemann integrable on then .
If are bounded, is increasing and are Riemann integrable with respect to on , then
For any real numbers is also Riemann integrable on and
If for all , then
If for all , then
is increasing and is Riemann integrable with respect to on and and are any non-negative real numbers, then is Riemann integrable with respect to on and
Associative law of integrals: Suppose is bounded and is increasing. If , then is Riemann- Stieltjes integrable on iff is Riemann-Stieltjes integral on and and
Suppose is increasing. is Riemann-Stieltjes integrable on and is continuous. Then is Riemann-Stieltjes integrable on .
If is increasing, is Riemann-Stieltjes integrable on then
is Riemann-Stieltjes integrable on .
is Riemann-Stieltjes integrable on .
First Mean Value Theorem: If is continuous and is increasing, then there is such that
If a partition is finer that partition , (i.e., ), then
For every pair of partitions and ,
For any partition
Riemann’s criterion: A bounded function is Riemann integrable iff for every there exists a partition of such that holds .
Darboux theorem: Let be Riemann integrable and let be a sequence of partitions of such that . Then
Lebesgue-Vitali theorem: A bounded function is Riemann integrable iff it is continuous almost everywhere.
The collection of all Riemann integrable functions on a closed interval is a function space and an algebra of functions.
Fundamental theorem of calculus: For a continuous function
If is an area function of (i.e., holds for all . Then is an anti-derivative of . i.e., holds for each
If is an anti-derivative of , i.e., holds for each , then
1.19 Improper Riemann Integral
If is Riemann integrable on every closed sub-interval of , then its improper Riemann integral is
Some Important Theorems
Assume is Riemann integrable on every closed subinterval of . Then exists iff every there exists some (depending on ) such that for all
If a function is Riemann integrable on every closed subinterval of and then also exists and
Let be Riemann integrable on every closed subinterval of . Then is Lebesgue integrable iff the improper Riemann integral exists. Moreover .
For each ,[1Em]
If , then [1Em]
1.20 Types of Improper Integrals
and does not exits.
and does not exits.
Convergence of integral: The integral converges iff exist and is the value of integral.
Divergence of integral: The integral is divergent, if it is not convergent.
Absolute convergence: The integral converges absolutely then converges.
Conditionally convergence: The integral converges conditionally if integral but not absolute converges.
The sum of number of finite improper integral converges iff each of these integrals converges.
The sum of number of finite improper integral diverges iff one of these integral diverges.
Some Important Theorems
If then converges.
If exist and then converges to absolutely.
If then .
Limit test for divergence: If (or then diverges. The test fails at .
If (or then diverges.
Ig is non decreasing function
And is an integer then
The integral becomes when
If also if then converges absolutely.
If (or ) then the integral diverges.
Type III. and does not exist.
Convergence of integral: The integral converges iff exist and is the value of integral.
Divergence of integral: The integral is diverges iff it does not converge.
Absolute convergence: The integral converges absolutely if converges.
Conditionally convergence: The integral converges but the integral diverges.
Type IV. and does not exist.
The integral becomes when we set
The integral converges absolutely if .
The integral diverges if .
1.21 Uniform Convergence
The integral converges uniformly to in the interval iff for arbitrary corresponds a number independent of such that when Then
The integral uniformly to in the interval iff for arbitrary corresponds a number independent of such that when , then
Important Theorem
Then converges uniformly in .
Then converges uniformly in .
1.22 Discontinuities of Real Valued Function
Continuity: A function is called continuous at , if
is defined at , i.e., at
and exist.
Discontinuity: A function which is not continuous at , is called discontinuous at .
Discontinuity of first kind: A function has discontinuity of first kind at , if left and right hand limit exists at , but they are distinct. .
Discontinuity of second kind: A function has discontinuity of second kind at , if left and right hand limit does not exist, i.e., neither nor exist.
Mixed discontinuity: A function has mixed discontinuity at if either of left or right hand limit exist.
Removable discontinuity: A function has the removable discontinuity at if and exist but
Irremovable discontinuity: A function has irremovable discontinuity at if has discontinuity of first kind, second kind or mixed discontinuity.
Jumps and jump discontinuity: If and exist at , then
is called left hand jump of at .
is called right hand jump of at .
is called jump of at .
If any of these jumps is different from 0, then is called the jump discontinuity of
Jump discontinuity are discontinuity of first kind.
Infinite discontinuity: A function has infinite discontinuity at , if any of the four functional limits are indefinitely large or infinite.
Saltus (Measure of discontinuity): The saltus of a function at is the greatest positive difference between any two of the five numbers and
1.23 Monotonic Functions
Increasing function: A function is increasing function (non-decreasing) on if
Strictly increasing function: A function is strictly increasing function on if
Decreasing function: A function is decreasing function (non-increasing) on if
Strictly decreasing function: A function is strictly decreasing function on if
Monotonic function: A function that is either monotonic increasing or decreasing function is called monotonic function.
Singular monotonic function: A monotonic function on such that
Some Important Theorems
If is increasing function then is decreasing function.
If is increasing function on closed interval , then and exist for each and .
If is increasing on then at end points. and .
If is strictly increasing on . Then exist and is strictly increasing on .
If is one-to-one and continuous on , then is strictly monotonic on .
Of non-decreasing function (increasing function) every discontinuous point is of first kind.
If is increasing function on and are points such that . Then we have .
If is continuous on then the set of discontinuous of is countable.
If is continuous on and exist (finite or infinite) at each point of the interval . Then
If in . is strictly increasing on .
If in . is strictly decreasing on .
everywhere in , then is constant on .
If has derivative (finite or infinite) on and is continuous on . If , then , is strictly monotonic on .
If exist and is monotonic on then is continuous on .
1.24 Functions of Bounded Variation
Partition: If is a compact interval, a set of points satisfying the inequalities,, is called a partition of . For k-th subinterval, and for then we have .
Bounded variation: Let be defined on and be a partition of . If Then for positive integer such that for all partitions of , is of bounded variation on .
Total Variation: If is of bounded variation on and if denotes the sum, , corresponding to partition of . Then the number, is called the total variation of on the interval
is finite number, since is of bounded variation on .
since .
iff is constant on .
Some Important Theorems
If is monotone on , then is of bounded variation on .
If is continuous on , exists and then is of bounded variation on .
If is of bounded variation on . for all partition of , then is bounded on and .
If and are of bounded variation on . Then there sum, difference and product are also of bounded on i.e., and are bounded variation on .
Quotient of and are not of bounded variation, however if are of bounded variation.
If is of bounded variation on and is bounded above from zero. i.e., for , for all . Then is also of bounded variation on . If then .
If is of bounded variation on and . Then is of bounded variation on and on and also .
If is of bounded variation on . Let be defined on as follows , . Then
is an increasing function on .
is an increasing function on .
A function on is of bounded variation on iff is the difference of two monotone real valued functions on .
If is of bounded variation on and , . Then
Every point of continuous of is also a point of continuity of .
Every point of continuity of is also a point of continuity of .
If is continuous on . Then is of bounded variation on iff is the difference of two monotone continuous functions on .
If is integrable on , then function is continuous function of bounded variation on .
1.25 Absolutely Continuous Function
Absolutely continuous: A real-valued function defined on is absolutely continuous on if for every such that for every disjoint open sub-intervals of , .
Some Important Theorems
Every absolutely continuous function on is continuous and of bounded variation on .
If and are absolutely continuous on then ( is a constant), are absolutely continuous on is absolutely continuous on if is bounded away from zero.
If is absolutely continuous on and then is constant almost everywhere.
If is absolutely continuous, then has a derivative almost everywhere.
A function is indefinite integral iff it is absolutely continuous.
Every absolutely continuous function is the indefinite integral of its derivative.
1.26 Elements of Metric Spaces
Metric spaces: Let be a non-empty set and we have a real valued function such that for all ,
iff .
Then is called metric and is a metric space.
Convergence: A sequence converges to an element if .
Open set: A set is open if it contains a sphere about each of its points or every point is an interior point.
Closed set: A set is closed if is open or if every point is a limit point.
Neighbourhood: A neighbourhood of a point is an open set which contains
Interior point: is an interior point of set if is a neighbourhood of .
Interior set: Interior of set contains all interior points of .
Limit point: If and , then is limit point of , if every neighbourhood of contains point of distinct from .
Closure: Closure of a set is which contains all points which are either point of or limit point of .
Separable metric space: If metric space has a countable subset which is everywhere dense, then it is separable metric space.
Open covering: If is a collection of open sets in metric space with the property that every is a member of atleast one set . The is called the open covering of .
Sub-covering: A sub-covering of the open covering is any collection which is also open covering of .
Cauchy sequence: A sequence in a metric space is Cauchy sequence, if for every , there is such that
Complete metric space: A metric space is complete, if every Cauchy sequence in metric space converges.
Contraction: If is a metric space, a mapping is called contraction in if there is a constant , with , such that
Completion: The enlarged space is called completion of metric space
Bolzano-Weierstrass property: A space has Bolzano-Weierstrass property if every infinite sequence in has atleast one limit point.
Nowhere dense: If is nowhere dense, the closure of has no interior point.
First category: A set is of first category in , if it is the union of countably many nowhere dense sets in .
Second category: A set is of second category in , if it is not of first category.
A metric space is compact if every infinite subset of has atleast one limit point.
A metric space is compact if every open covering of has a finite sub-covering. Set is compact if is compact.
Relatively compact: If is a metric space. and closure of is compact, then is relatively compact to
Total boundedness: A metric space is totally bounded if for every contains a finite set, called an -net, such that the finite set of open spheres of radius and centres in the -net covers .
Continuity: If is continuous at if every sequence converges to converges to is continuous if it is continuous a every
Uniformly continuity: If is uniformly continuous on ,if for every , there is such that for all
Connected set: , set is called connected set if it cannot be represented as the union of two sets, each of which is disjoint from the closure of the other.
Uniformly boundedness: A collection of function on set is uniformly bounded if there is such that for all and all
Equicontinuous: A collection of functions defined on a metric space is equicontinuous if for each there is such that for all and .
Algebra: is compact metric space, is the space of continuous real functions on , such that . Set is called an algebra if and any number and
Algebra generated by set : If the intersection of all algebras in containing , which is itself an algebra containing is called algebra by
Some Important Results and Theorems
The collection of all open set satisfies:
Any union of members of is a member of .
The intersection of finitely many members of is a member of .
The collection of closed sets satisfies:
Any intersection of closed set is closed.
A finite union of closed sets is closed.
The interior of a set is the largest open set contained in .
The closure of set is the smallest closed set containing
Set is everywhere dense if , there is
is separable iff there is a countable collection of open sets such that an arbitrary open set can be expressed as a union of members of .
Lindelof: If is separable and is an open covering of , then there is a countable sub-covering .
A metric is complete iff for every sequence of closed spheres, with and , where is the radius of Then the intersection consists of exactly one point.
A subspace of a complete metric space is complete iff it is closed.
If is a complete metric space and is a contraction in , then has a fixed point and it is unique.
If is continuous on an open connected set and satisfies a Lipschitz condition in on , then for every , the differential equation has a unique local solution passing through .
If is a metric space, it can be imbedded as a dense subspace, in a complete metric space .
Metric space is of second category in itself iff any representation of as union of countable many closed set atleast one of the contains a sphere.
Every complete metric space is of second category in itself.
is compact iff every sequence with values in has a subsequence which converges to a point in
Every compact set in a metric space is closed, bounded subset of .
If metric space is compact, then every closed subset of is compact.
Every compact metric space is complete.
Metric space is bounded iff every sequence in has a Cauchy subsequence.
Every totally bounded metric space is separable.
Every compact metric space is separable.
A metric space is compact iff for every collection of open sets which covers there are finite subsets which covers .
If is compact, then every which is continuous on is uniformly continuous.
If is continuous then the image of a compact set is compact.
is continuous iff for open ball the inverse image is open in .
Arzela-Ascoli theorem: If is a compact metric space, a subset is relatively compact iff it is uniformly bounded and equicontinuous.
If is continuous on an open set , then for every the differential equation has a local solution passing through
Stone-Weierstrass theorem: If is closed algebra in . has a compact metric space such that and if , there is an for which . Then
1.27 Lebesgue Measure
1.27.1 Measure
Length of an interval: The length of an interval is the difference of end points of the interval.
Measure of a set: Let be a collection of sets of real numbers and . Then non-negative extended real number is called the measure of . If satisfies
is defined for each set of real numbers. ie., , the power set of sets of real number.
For an interval .
If is a sequence of disjoint sets (for which is defined) in
is translation invariant. i.e., If is the set on which is defined,and then
Countable additive measure: Let be a -algebra of sets of real numbers and . Then non-negative extended real number is countable additive measure. If for each sequence of disjoint sets in .
Countable sub additive measure: Let be a -algebra of sets of real numbers and . Then non-negative extended real number is countable sub additive measure, if for each sequence of sets in .
Some Important Results Let be a countable additive measure defined for all sets in a -algebra, . Then
1.27.2 Lebesgue Outer Measure
Lebesgue outer measure: Let be a set of real numbers. be the countable collection of open intervals that covers , i,e., . Then Lebesgue outer measure of is . Some Important Results
For singleton set .
The Lebesgue outer measure of an interval is its length.
If is a countable collection of sets of real number. Then .
If is countable,
The set is not countable.
Given any set and any , there is an open set and . There is a and .
1.27.3 Lebesgue Measurable Sets and Lebesgue Measure
Lebesgue measurable set: A set is Lebesgue measurable if for each set we have .
Lebesgue measure: If is said a Lebesgue measurable set, the Lebesgue measure is the Lebesgue outer measure of
Some Important Results
If , then is Lebesgue measurable.
If and are Lebesgue measurable so
The family of of Lebesgue measurable sets is an algebra of sets.
If is any set and a finite sequence of disjoint Lebesgue measurable sets. Then
The collection of Lebesgue measurable set is a -algebra.
Every set with Lebesgue outer measure zero is Lebesgue measurable.
The interval is Lebesgue measurable.
Every Borel set is Lebesgue measurable.
Each open set and closed set is Lebesgue measurable.
If is a sequence of Lebesgue measurable set. Then for Lebesgue measure If the sets are pairwise disjoint then for Lebesgue measure .
Let be an infinite decreasing sequence of Lebesgue measurable sets, i.e., for each . Let Lebesgue measure is finite. Then
For a given set following are equivalent
is measurable.
Given , there is an open set with
Given , there is an open set with
with If , then these statements are equivalent to
Given , there is a finite union of open intervals
1.27.4 Lebesgue Measurable Functions
Lebesgue measurable function: An extended real valued function is Lebesgue measurable if its domain is measurable and if it satisfies one of the following conditions: for each real number
is measurable.
is measurable.
is measurable.
is measurable.
is measurable.
Almost everywhere property: If a set of points where it fails to hold is set of measure zero. If , almost everywhere if and have the same domain and
Characteristic function : If is any set, the characteristic function of set is defined as
Simple function: A real valued function is simple function, if it is Lebesgue measurable and assume only a finite number of values.
Borel measurability: A function is Borel measurable if for each , the set is a Borel set.
Some Important Results
If is an extended real valued function whose domain is measurable. Then the following statements are equivalent. For each real number
The set is Lebesgue measurable.
The set is Lebesgue measurable.
The set is Lebesgue measurable.
The set is Lebesgue measurable.
If is a constant and and two Lebesgue measurable real valued functions defined on the same domain. Then the functions and are also Lebesgue measurable.
If is a sequence of Lebesgue measurable functions (with the same domain of definition). Then the function , and are all Lebesgue measurable.
If is a measurable function and almost everywhere, then is measurable.
If is Lebesgue measurable function defined on interval and assume that takes the values only on a set of measure zero. Then given , we can find a step function and a continuous function such that and
1.27.5 Littlewood’s Three Principles
Littlewood’s three principles:
Every (measurable) set is nearly a finite union of intervals.
Every (measurable) set is nearly continuous.
Every convergent sequence of (measurable) functions is nearly uniformly convergent.
Some Important Theorems
If is measurable set of finite measure and is a sequence of measurable functions defined on . If is real valued function such that for each , we have The given and , there is a measurable set with and an integer such that for all and all
If is measurable set of finite measure and a sequence of measurable functions that converge to a real valued function almost everywhere on . The given and , there is a set with and an such that for all and all ,
Egorff’s theorem: If is a sequence of measurable functions that converge to a real valued function almost everywhere on a measurable set of finite measure, then given , there is a subset with such that converges to uniformly on
Lusin’s theorem: If is a measurable real valued function on an interval . Then given , there is a continuous function on such that
1.28 The Lebesgue Integration
1.28.1 The Riemann Integral
If is a bounded real valued function defined on the interval and is a subdivision of where The upper Riemann integral of is . and the lower Riemann integral of is . The function is Riemann integrable if
1.28.2 Step function
For the given subdivision
of the interval
a function is a
step function if .
Some Important Results
for all step function
for all step function
1.28.3 The Lebesgue Integral of a Bounded Function Over a Set of Finite Measure
Canonical representation of simple function: If is a simple function and is the set of non-zero values of , then where } is called canonical representation of simple function. Here are disjoint and are distinct and non-zero.
Integral of simple function: If simple function vanishes outside a set of finite measure, the integral of is where has a canonical representation and is the Lebesgue measure of If is any measurable set, we have
The Lebesgue integral: If is bounded measurable function defined on a measurable set with is finite, the Lebesgue integral of over is . for all simple function
Some Important Theorems
Let , with for . Suppose each set is a measurable set of finite measure. Then
If and are simple functions which vanishes outside a set of finite measure, then and if almost everywhere then
If is defined and bounded on a measurable set with and for all simple functions and . Then is measurable function.
Let be bounded function defined on . If is Riemann integrable on , then it is measurable and .
If and are bounded measurable functions defined on set of finite measure, then
If almost everywhere, then .
If almost everywhere, then .
If , then
If and are disjoint measurable sets of finite measure, then
Let be a sequence of measurable functions defined on a set of finite measure and suppose that there is a real number such that for all If for each , then .
A bounded function on is Riemann integrable iff the set of points at which is discontinuous has measure zero.
1.28.4 The Integral of a Non-negative Function
Integral of a non-negative function: if is a non-negative measurable function defined on a measurable set , then integral of non-negative measurable function is where is a bounded measurable function such that
Integrable function: A non-negative measurable function is integrable over the measurable set , if
Some Important Theorems
If and are measurable functions then
If almost everywhere, then
Fatou’s lemma: If is a sequence of non-negative measurable function and , almost everywhere on a set , then .
Monotone convergence theorem: If is an increasing sequence of non-negative measurable functions and let almost everywhere, then
If is a sequence of non-negative measurable functions and . Then
If is a non-negative function and a disjoint sequence of measurable sets. Let . Then
Let and be two non-negative measurable functions. If is integrable over and on , then is also integrable on , and
If is a non-negative function which is integrable over a set . Then given there is a such that for every set with , we have
1.28.5 The General Lebesgue Integral
The positive and negative par of function:
is a measurable
function, then is
integrable over
if and
are both
integrable over
and .
Some Important Theorems
If and are integrable over Then
The function is integrable over and
The function is integrable over and
If almost everywhere, then
If and are disjoint measurable sets contained in , then
Lebesgue convergence theorem: If is integrable over and is a sequence of measurable functions such that on and for almost all , we have . Then .
If is a sequence of integrable of measurable functions which converge almost everywhere to an integrable function . If is a sequence of measurable functions such that and converges to almost everywhere. If then
1.28.6 Convergence in Measure
Convergence inn measure: A sequence of measurable functions is said to converge to in measure if given , there is an such that for all , we have .
Cauchy sequence in measure: A sequence of measurable functions in Cauchy sequence in measure if given there is such that for all , we have
Some Important Theorems
If is a sequence of measurable functions that converges in measure to Then there is a subsequence that converges to almost everywhere.
If is a sequence of measurable functions defined on a set of finite measure. Then converges to in measure iff every subsequence of has in turn a subsequence that converges almost everywhere to
Fatou’s lemma and the monotone and Lebesgue convergence theorems remain valid if “convergence almost everywhere” is replaced by “convergence in measure”.
1.29 Real Valued Functions of Several Variables
Real valued functions of several variable: If the function where and is called real valued function of several variables.
Limit: A function has a limit . i.e., , if given , there exist such that for every ,
Continuity: A function is continuous at , if for each , there exist such that whenever and or is continuous at iff
Uniformly continuity: A function is uniformly continuous on if it is continuous at every
Some Important Results
If -
The range of a function continuous on a compact set is compact.
A real valued function continuous on a compact set is bounded and attains its bounds.
A real valued function continuous on a closed rectangle is bounded and attains its bounds.
A function continuous on a compact domain is uniformly continuous.
Let be a real valued function with domain . Let be such that Then assumes every value between and
If and then and conversely.
1.30 Partial Derivatives
First order: Let be an open set in Euclidean space and be a real valued function on If and are two point on having corresponding coordinates equal except for the if for and if then is called partial derivative of with respect to coordinate.
Second order: If has a partial derivatives on an open set , then these are called second order partial derivatives. The partial derivatives of with respect to variable is
Directional derivative: Let . The directional derivative of at in the direction , denoted by the symbol is whenever the limit on the right exist.
Total derivative: The function is said to be differentiable at if there exists a linear function such that where as Then the above equation is called first order Taylor formula and is a linear function is called the total derivative of at
Some Important Theorems
Assume is differentiable at with total derivative . Then the directional derivative exists for every and
If is differentiable at then is continuous at
Let be differentiable at an interior point , where .If where are the units coordinate vectors in then . In particular, if is real valued , we have The dot product of with the vector
Let and be two real valued functions defined on a subset of the complex plane. Assume also that and differential at an interior point of and that the partial derivatives satisfy the Cauchy-Riemann equations at Then the function has a derivative at and also
Chain rule: Assume is differentiable at with total derivative Let and assume that is differentiable at , with the total derivative Then the composite function is differentiable at and the total derivative is given by Then the composition of the linear functions and
Let and be continuous on a rectangle . Let and be differentiable on , where for each . Define as if Then exists for each and
Mean-value theorem: Let be an open subset of and assume that is differentiable at each point of Let and be two points in such that . Then for every vector there is a point such that
Let be an open connected subset of and be differentiable at each point in . If for each , then is constant of
If one of the partial derivatives exist at and that the remaining partial derivatives exist in some -ball and are continuous at Then is differentiable at
If both partial derivatives and exist in an -ball and if both are differentiable at , then
If both partial derivatives and exists in an -ball and if both and are continuous at , then
Taylor’s formula: Assume and all its partial derivatives of order are differentiable at each point of an open set . If and are two points of , such that , then there is a point on the line segment such that
1.31 Implicit Functions and Inverse Functions
Jacobian determinant: If and the Jacobian matrix is on matrix, and Jacobian determinant is
Some Important Theorems
If is a complex-valued function with its derivative at , then
Let be an -ball in and denote its boundary and assume that all the partial derivatives exist if . Assume further that if and that the Jacobian determinant for each . Then , the image of under contains an -ball with center at
Let be an open subset of and is continuous and has finite partial derivatives on if is one-to-one on and if for each , then is open.
If has continuous partial derivatives on an open set in and that the Jacobian determinant for some point . Then there is an -ball on which is one-to-one.
Let be an open subset of and assume that has continuous partial derivatives on . If for all , then is an open mapping.
Inverse function theorem: is a set of continuously differentiable function. If on an open set and . If the Jacobian determinant for some . Then there are two open sets and and a uniquely determined function such that
is one-to-one on
is defined on and for every
Implicit function theorem: Let be a vector-valued function defined on an open set with values in . Suppose on Let be a point in for which and for which the determinant . Then there exist a -dimensional open set containing and one and only one vector-valued function defined on and having values in , such that
for every
1.32 Extrema for Real Valued Functions
Stationary point and Saddle point: If is differentiable at and , then the point is called stationary point. A stationary point is a saddle point if every -ball contains points such that and other points such that
Some Important Theorems
Second derivative test for extrema: Assume that the second order partial derivatives exist on an -ball and are continuous at , where is a stationary point of Let
If for all has a relative minimum at
If for all has a relative maximum at
If takes both positive and negative values then has a saddle point at
Let be a real-valued function with continuous second order partial derivative at a stationary point . Let and let , then
If and has relative minimum at
If and has relative maximum at
If , has a saddle point at .